- Gasc, J., Gardonio B., Deldicque D., Daigre C., Moarefvand A., Petit, L., Burnley P., and Schubnel A. (2022) ‘Ductile vs. Brittle Strain Localization Induced by the Olivine–Ringwoodite Transformation’ Minerals 2022, 12(6), 719; https://doi.org/10.3390/min12060719
- Gasc, J., Daigre C., Moarefvand A., Deldicque D., Fauconnier J., Gardonio B., Madonna C., Burnley P., and Schubnel A. (2022) “Deep focus earthquakes: From high temperature experiment to cold slabs” Geology 50 (9): 1018–1022. https://doi.org/10.1130/G50084.1
- Dutta R, Tracy S. J., Cohen, R.E., Miozzi, F., Luo K., Yang, J., Burnley P. C., Smith D., Meng Y., Chariton S., Prakapenka V. B., and Duffy T. S. 2022 “Ultra-high pressure disordered eight-coordinated phase of Mg2GeO4: Analogue for super-Earth mantles” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Feb 2022, 119 (8) e2114424119; https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2114424119
- Traylor, T., Burnley, P. Whitaker, W. 2021 “Initial Measurements on the Effect of Stress on P- and S-wave Velocities in Olivine” Journal of Geophysical Research, 126, e2021JB022494 https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JB022494
- Rowland II, R.L., Lavina, B., Vander Kaaden, K.E., Danielson, L.R. and Burnley, P.C. (2020), Thermal analysis, compressibility, and decomposition of synthetic bastnäsite-(La) to lanthanum oxyfluoride, MINERALS, 10(3), 212; https://doi.org/10.3390/min10030212
- Adcock, C.T. Haber, D.A. Burnley P.C., Malchow, R.L. and Hausrath E.M., 2019, Modeling Gamma Radiation Exposure Rates Using Geologic and Remote Sensing Data to Locate Radiogenic Anomalies, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 208-209:106038. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvrad.2019.106038
- Kaboli, S. and Burnley P.C., 2019, In-situ X-ray Diffraction Deformation and EPSC Modeling of AZ31 Mg Alloy. Materials Science & Engineering A, 739, p. 99-104 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2018.10.008
- Burnley P. C. and Kaboli S. 2019 Elastic Plastic Self Consistent (EPSC) Modeling of San Carlos Olivine Deformed in a D-DIA Apparatus. American Mineralogist. 104 (2): 276-281. https://doi.org/10.2138/am-2019-6666
- Mazzucchelli, M. L., Burnley, P., Angel, R J., Morganti, S. Domeneghetti, C. M., Nestola F. and Alvaro, M. 2018, Elastic geobarometry: errors arising from the geometry of the host-inclusion system. Geology, 46 (3): p.231–234, https://doi.org/10.1130/G39807.1
- Kaboli, S. and Burnley P.C. 2018, Direct Observations of Crystal Defects in Polycrystalline Diamond. Materials Characterization v. 142, p. 154-161 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchar.2018.05.036
- Kaboli, S. and Burnley P.C., 2017, ECCI, EBSD and EPSC Characterization of Rhombohedral Twinning in Polycrystalline α-Alumina Deformed in the D-DIA Apparatus. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 50, 14p. https://doi.org/10.1107/S1600576717013991.
- Kaboli, S., Burnley, P.C., Xia, G. and Green H.W. II 2017, Pressure dependence of creep in forsterite olivine: comparison of measurements from the D-DIA and Griggs apparatus. Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 10,939–10,947. https://doi.org/10.1002/2017GL075177
- Haber, D.A., Burnley, P.C., Adcock, C.T., Malchow, R.L., Marsac, K.E.,and Hausrath, E.M., 2017, Modeling Background Radiation from Geology: A Case Study in Southern Nevada. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 171 Pages 41–64
- Haber, D.A. Malchow, R.L., Burnley, P.C., 2017 Monte Carlo Simulations of the Gamma-Ray Screening Properties of Common Rocks. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, v. 167 p 20–25, doi: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2016.11.013
- Marsac, K.E., Burnley, P.C., Adcock, C.T., Haber, D.A., Malchow, R.L., Hausrath, E.M., 2016, Modeling background radiation using geochemical data: A case study in and around Cameron, Arizona. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, v.165 p. 68- 85, OSTI ID 1325309, doi: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2016.07.012
- Burnley, P. C., 2015, Elastic Plastic Self Consistent (EPSC) Modeling of Plastic Deformation in Fayalite Olivine. American Mineralogist. V. 100, p.1424 – 1433, OSTI ID 1332345, doi: 10.2138/am-2015-5234CCBYNCND
- Tanis, E.A., Simon A.,Tschauner O., Chow P., Xiao Y., Burnley P., Cline, C., Hanchar, J.,Pettke, T., Shen, G., Zhao, Y., 2015, Experimental constraints on the mobility of Nb-rutile in NaCl- and NaF-bearing aqueous fluids during the blueschist to eclogite transition in subduction zones, American Mineralogist, V. 100, p.1600 – 1609, doi: 10.2138/am-2015-5031
- Burnley, P. C., 2013, The Importance of Stress Percolation Patterns in Rocks and other Polycrystalline Materials. Nature Communications. 4:2117, doi:10.1038/ ncomms3117
- Burnley, P.C, Cline, C. and Drew, A., 2013, Kinking in Mg2GeO4 olivine: an EBSD study. American Mineralogist. V. 98, p. 927–931
- Burnley, P.C.and Getting I.C. 2012 Creating a High Temperature Environment at High Pressure in a Gas Piston Cylinder Apparatus. Review of Scientific Instruments, v. 83:1, doi: 10.1063/1.3677844
- Jarrett, O. S. and Burnley, P. C. 2010 Lessons on the role of fun/playfulness from a geology undergraduate summer research program. Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 58, n. 2, p. 110-120.
- Burnley, P.C. and Zhang, D. 2008 Interpreting in-situ x-ray diffraction data from high pressure deformation experiments using elastic plastic self consistent models: an example using quartz, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, v 20, doi:10.1088/0953-8984/20/28/285201, 10pp
- Jarrett, O. S. and Burnley, P.C., 2007, The role of fun, playfulness, and creativity in science: Lessons from geoscientists, in Play and Culture Studies Volume 7, D. Sluss and O. Jarrett Eds., University Press of America, New York, 188-202.
- Burnley, P.C. and Schmidt, C., 2006 Finite element modeling of elastic volume changes in fluid inclusions: Comparison with experiment, American Mineralogist. v91, no. 11-12, pp. 1807-1814.
- Burnley, P. C., 2005, Investigation of martensitic-like transformation from Mg2GeO4 olivine to its spinel structure polymorph. Am. Min., v 90, no. 8-9, pp. 1315-1324.
- Burnley, Pamela C., Davis, Mary K., 2004, Volume Changes in Fluid Inclusions Produced by Heating and Pressurization: A Finite Element Modeling Study. The Canadian Mineralogist, v 42, pp. 1369-1382.
- Burnley, P.C., 2004, An Earth Science Scrapbook Project as an Alternative Assessment Tool. Journal of Geoscience Education, v 52, n 3, pp. 245-249.
- Jarrett, O. S. and Burnley, P. C. 2003 Engagement in authentic geoscience research: Effects on undergraduates and secondary teachers. Journal of Geoscience Education, v 51, n 1, pp. 85-90.
- Burnley, P. C., Jarrett, O. S., and Evans W., 2002, A Comparison of Approaches and Instruments for Evaluating a Geological Sciences Research Experiences Program, Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 50, n. 1, pp.15-24.
- Hofmeister, A. Cynn, H., Burnley, P. C. and Meade, C., 1999, Vibrational Spectra of Dense, Hydrous Magnesium Silicates at Pressure: Importance of the Hydrogen Bond Angle. Am. Min. v 84, pp. 454-464.
- Getting, I. C., Dutton, S. J., Burnley, P. C., Karato, S.-i., Spetzler, H. A., 1997, Shear attenuation and dispersion in MgO. Phys.Earth Planet. Lett. 99, pp. 249-257.
- Phillips, B. L., Burnley, P. C., Worminghaus, K. and Navrotsky A., 1997, 29Si and 1H NMR Spectroscopy of High-Pressure Hydrous Magnesium Silicates. Phys. Chem. Minerals. v 24, pp. 179-190.
- Cynn, H., Hofmeister, A. M., Burnley, P. C., Navrotsky, A., 1996, Thermodynamic properties and hydrogen speciation from vibrational spectra of dense hydrous magnesium silicates. Phys. Chem. Min., v 23, pp. 361-376.
- Burnley, P. C. and Navrotsky, A., 1996, Synthesis of high-pressure hydrous magnesium silicates: observations and analysis. Am. Min. v 81, pp. 317-326.
- Burnley, P.C., 1995, The fate of olivine in subducting slabs: a reconnaissance study. Am. Min. v 80, pp. 1293-1301.
- Burnley, P.C., Bassett, W.A. and Wu, T. -c., 1995, Diamond anvil study of the transformation mechanism from the olivine to spinel phase in Co2SiO4, Ni2SiO4 and Mg2GeO4. Jour. Geophys. Res. v 100, pp. 17,715-17,724.
- Navrotsky, A., Rapp, R. P., Smelik, E., Burnley, P., Circone, S., Chai, L., Bose, K., and Westrich, H. R., 1994, The behavior of H2O and CO2 in high-temperature lead borate solution calorimetry of volatile-bearing phases. Am. Min., v 79, pp. 1099-1109.
- Wu, T. -c., Bassett, W.A., Burnley, P.C. and Weathers, M.S., 1993, Shear-promoted phase transformation in Fe2SiO4 and Mg2SiO4 and the mechanism of deep earthquakes. Jour. Geophys. Res. v 98, pp. 19,767-19,776.
- Burnley, P.C., Green, H.W. and Prior, D., 1991, Faulting Associated with the olivine to spinel transformation in Mg2GeO4 and its implications for deep-focus earthquakes. Jour. Geophys. Res. v. 96, pp. 425-443.
- Green, H.W. and Burnley, P.C., 1990, The failure mechanism for deep-focus earthquakes. In Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics, R.J. Knipe and E.H. Rutter eds., Geological Society Special Publication no. 54, Geological Society London. pp. 133-141.
- Burnley, P.C. and Green, H.W., 1989, Stress dependence of the mechanism of the olivine-spinel transformation. Nature, v 338, pp. 753-756.
- Green, H.W. and Burnley, P.C., 1989, A new, self-organizing, mechanism for deep-focus earthquakes. Nature, v 341, pp. 733-737.
Field Guide Chapters and Other Publications
- Burnley, P. 2011 “The Multi-Anvil Apparatus” On the Cutting Edge – Professional Development for Geoscience Faculty, Teaching Mineral Physics Collection.
- Burnley, P. 2011 “ The Diamond Anvil Cell (DAC)” On the Cutting Edge – Professional Development for Geoscience Faculty, Teaching Mineral Physics Collection.
- Burnley, P. 2011 “High Pressure Deformation Experiments” On the Cutting Edge – Professional Development for Geoscience Faculty, Teaching Mineral Physics Collection.
- Burnley, P. 2011 “Tensors: Stress, Strain and Elasticity” On the Cutting Edge – Professional Development for Geoscience Faculty, Teaching Mineral Physics Collection.
- Burnley, P. 2011 “ Phase Equilibria at High Pressure” On the Cutting Edge – Professional Development for Geoscience Faculty, Teaching Mineral Physics Collection.
- Williams, Q., Brown, M.J., Tyburczy, J., van Orman, J. Burnley, P., Parise, J., Rivers, M., Wentzcovitch R., Liebermann, R. 2010 Understanding the Building Blocks of the Planet: The Materials Science of Earth Processes, Report to the National Science Foundation. COMPRES Consortium, 68 pp.
- Hanley, T. B., Kar, A., Burnley, P., Scanlan, M. and Wilson, C., 2005, Phenix City gneiss amphibolite and associated rocks of the Uchee belt, western Georgia and eastern Alabama. In Field Trip Guide for the Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Section of the Geological Society of America, M. G. Steltenpohl ed., Alabama Geological Society, pp. 115.
- Burnley, P. and Brocks, B., 2001, Characterization of Veins and Associated Alteration in a Bedrock Core Taken from the Brevard Zone, Cobb County, Georgia. In Across the Brevard Zone: The Chattahoochee Tunnel, Cobb County, Georgia. R. L. Kath and T. J. Crawford eds., Georgia Geological Society Guidebook, v 21, n 1, October 2001, pp. 39-41.